Bay State Chevalier Observance

Open to to all DeMolays, Chevaliers, and Advisors.
Our obligation requires us to "hold communion with a fellow Chevalier, or Court of Chevaliers," on November 8th of each year to honor the memory of our founder, Frank Sherman Land.
Bay State Court of Chevaliers invites you to come and share in brotherhood on Sunday, November 8, at the Weymouth Masonic Building. The court will open at 5:30 p.m. with a short meeting and rededication ceremony. A dinner of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and veggies will follow the meeting. Dinner costs $20 per person. You and your lady are most welcome to this wonderful evening. You can make a reservation through our online form.
As a Chevalier in our Order, I hope you can find the time in your busy schedule to comply with that tie in your obligation and break bread with us.
Fraternal regards,
David W. A. Abbott
Grand Commander